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Never thought about website translation for your e-commerce website when trading overseas? You could be missing a trick. Because the Boxing Day bonanza sends e-commerce websites into overdrive, besides filling the high streets.

Well, you haven’t got long left to prep your site for the international stage ahead of the January sales if you haven’t already done so. But truthfully, a little effort now can mean big rewards to ring in 2025.

Why Website Translation?

Think of your website as your shop frontage on the world. You’re welcoming in 69.3 million potential shoppers in the UK (according to Worldometer’s elaboration of the latest United Nations data on 16th December 2024 .

But why stop there?

Translation into Spanish can bring your products or services to over 500 million native Spanish speakers worldwide, whereas Chinese gives access to an astonishing 1 billion+ potential customers.

Nevertheless, it extends beyond mere words, because it’s also vital to create a website that speaks your customers’ language both literally and culturally.

Enter Localisation

Website translation might be the first step to starting 2025 with a happy bank balance. But localisation takes your website (and search engine rankings) to the next level.

For this reason, besides translating words you also need to adjust everything from:

  • Currencies – Pounds? Euros? Dollars?
  • SEO – H1s, year in the text, title tag, meta description, alt text.
  • Weights and measures – No one wants to Google “What’s 1kg in pounds?” mid-purchase!

So, isn’t it high time to start a new chapter in your global e-commerce story this January? Why let language barriers hold your business back, when website translation can power it forwards?


At Accutranslate, we’ve helped countless businesses upgrade their e-commerce opportunities for a bright new year filled with new beginnings. This is down to our know-how to bring your products to life in multiple languages, from French to Mandarin.

Get in touch with us today for a website translation quote, whether it’s one language or several.