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Business interpreting is an invaluable tool in your kit when you’re growing your business abroad.

“When thinking about ways to make international business easier, the legend of the Tower of Babel often springs to mind: Wouldn’t it be easier if we all spoke one language?” Maria Elena-Kassab explained to Entrepreneur Europe.

“Unfortunately for the business world –and fortunately for cultural diversity – that is not the case, even though some languages (such as English) are spoken more or less fluently by a growing number of businesspeople. When the language barrier becomes too great, the only solution is to transfer information from one language to another, by way of a translator…”

You might not be at the stage yet of having native speaking team members in the countries you do business in or those on your hitlist to do business in.

So, how do you intend to start building relationships and cutting deals with businesses abroad if they don’t understand you and you don’t understand them?

It’s the same answer to the same questions thousands of entrepreneurs who came, saw and conquered before you have asked – business interpreting.

Business Interpreting Gets Your Entrepreneurial Voice Heard

You can’t flex your entrepreneurial muscles if you don’t have a means of communicating with your target audiences abroad.

Professional business interpreting services give you that voice. They also give you the ears to take in and understand what’s being asked of you by prospective team members, clients, suppliers and collaborators –

  • In Meetings
    Having a business interpreting professional attending meetings with you isn’t intrusive. On the contrary, they’ll discreetly ensure your meetings are smooth running, helping you to go with the flow and roll with the punches.
  • On Telephone/Zoom/Skype/Microsoft Teams/Google Meets Calls
    With more and more business being done remotely, higher end business interpreting services do more than translate conversations backwards and forwards. In addition, they’ll often help you with the email follow up after your meetings, too.

At Accutranslate, we’re the go-to business interpreting provider of choice for entrepreneurs who want to perform on a global stage.

Get in touch at –
T – 0800 466 1335
E – info@accutranslate.co.uk
to discuss your business interpreting requirements to help propel you to the next level.


Interpretation vs. Translation: Which Is Right For Your Business? Maria Elena-Kassab, Entrepreneur Europe