01614 911 444 info@accutranslate.co.uk

There are many challenges for a translation agency such as Accutranslate, but the one that lies at the core of our work is getting the best translations to our customers. Accuracy and a flowing style, appropriate to the document or website we are translating, is vital.

To source good translators you have to begin in the country of the target language – the most natural-sounding translation comes from native speakers living in their native country. No matter how hard a native speaker living in the UK tries to maintain their language levels, there is a slight degradation each year in currentness of idiom and smoothness of translation.

In addition, Accutranslate takes care to source translators who have a deep knowledge of the particular sector that our client is working in. It’s a particular challenge to find good technical translators for industries where there is a large proportion of very specialised vocabulary, such as medical, industrial, legal, and technical translations. Website translation and localisation is a particular set of skills, and Literary translation is different again, so good translators will develop a particular depth of knowledge in a few sectors. Once Accutranslate has found a savvy translator with the skills we need in a particular sector, we make sure we keep in touch so they are open to working with us on similar projects in the future.

Getting the best translators is just half the battle, though. Accutranslate doesn’t rely just on overseas translators, but supplements their skills with a team of native speakers who are based in the UK. These local specialists provide checking and proof-reading of the translated text – an essential quality control step that ensures the best results for our clients. With their closer understanding of the UK and our UK clients, these local language specialists check both the translation quality, and that the original nuances and subtleties of the English text have been correctly rendered into the target language.

The languages that our clients need translated most often are Spanish, Chinese, French, German and Polish. With our long experience in working with translators across these 5 countries as well as the contacts we have developed in many other countries, Accutranslate will find the perfect translator for your documents or website – give us a call on 0800 466 1335 to find out more!