01614 911 444 info@accutranslate.co.uk

Why translate your website?

The UK has a long history of trade and exporting to the furthest corners of the globe, and this tradition is being carried on by businesses of all sizes today. Accutranslate help large international businesses and some that are much smaller – our view is that good products should be able to reach other countries, and that we should do our best to eliminate language barriers for our clients.

The UK Government, particularly in the form of the UKTI (UK Trade and Industry Department), recognises the potential of overseas markets and over the past few years has run a very prominent campaign to encourage exporters.

Accutranslate has done its bit, by translating websites in fields as diverse as construction materials, legal, healthcare and manufacturing, but there are many businesses who are still uncertain whether to make the move to translate or not.

Questions to consider when translating your website:

1. Which languages to translate first?

Consider which countries are most important to your business in terms of current custom.  Accutranslate recommends working first on language that will help your existing clients. This is because all Marketing research shows that your existing customers are most likely to buy from you – keep your existing customers happy first, and encourage them to buy more, or to recommend your products/ services!

2. Which languages to translate next?

Then consider potential future business. Which markets are likely to be important to you in the future – are there markets where you have some presence, but would like to grow?  Are there markets untapped by your competitors that you would like to stake a claim to?

3. Main pages or all pages?

If you have a very large website, you may want to start with translation of the key pages – contact details, response forms, key points about your business.

On the Accutranslate website we have translated our Home Page, Sectors, Interpreting and Language pages, each into a different language, so that you can see how we work. Take a look and give our experienced website translation and localisation team a ring to discuss your specific requirements.