Continued soaring use of the internet has made us used to instant gratification at the push of a button. And as far as businesses are concerned, it’s opened up a world of opportunities. But it’s also simultaneously created more competition.
Why? We can buy products or engage services in a couple of effortless clicks. But there’s an obverse side to the coin. Because it’s now just as feasible to do business with people on the opposite side of the globe as the opposite side of the street.
In short, you’ve now got the whole world nipping at your heels, not just competitors within your ‘golden mile’ or even on the same shores! So, you’ve got to be in it to win it. Or, in this case, on(line) it!
Arthur Wilson of Go Exporting underlined why it’s so important that businesses wanting to sell overseas have fit for purpose websites:
“For example, if your website is in English but your target audience in Italy search Google in Italian, then your website pages won’t match up to what they’re searching. And if they don’t match up, they won’t rank.”
So, what are your options if you’re looking to venture in to international website marketing for the first time, or to up your current ante?
Multiple Languages or Multiple Websites?
The most wildly popular options for business website translations include –
- Translation of Your Website in to Multiple Languages – The availability of multiple languages on a website is often indicated by drop down options on the home page for browsers to select their preferred language.
- Multiple Websites in Multiple Different Languages – Some businesses choose to opt for multiple standalone websites in different languages, rather than having one website that offers different languages on a single platform.
At Accutranslate, we welcome a chat about the best options for your business website translation. It might include translation in to multiple different languages, different websites, or a mixture of both, depending on your unique specifics. Get in touch today to take the first steps towards more overseas eyes on your website than your competitors.
How to ensure your website attracts an international audience, Arthur Wilson, Go Exporting